VIEW MORE+本系列燒結離心鼓風機系鋼板焊接機殼,機殼內部采用鋼管支撐筋,外部設計有型鋼加強筋,結構合理,剛性好。殼體與軸承箱為同-中心高度,安裝方便,熱脹量影響小,穩定性好。
The sinter plant fan is of steel plate fabricated casing with steel piping supports inside thecasing and formed steel reinforcement outside the casing, which is reasonable in constructionand characterized by good rigidity.The casing is in the same centre height with the bearingpedestals, which is easy for installation,ess influence from thermal expansion and excellencein stability.Computer software with finite elementmethod is adopted to calculate the critical speed ofrotors and impeller strength,resulting in accuracy andreliability and thus the stable and safe operation oftrain is ensured. Simulation design with high efficientbasic stage model leads reliable performance andwider operating range. Advanced anti-erosionmeasures are taken for impellers and casinginternals, while increasing the
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